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What is a Culture of Evangelism?

A culture of evangelism is where instead of seeing evangelism as an event, or a ministry for someone else, we see evangelism as the privilege or responsibility of every believer. We hope that every person who is an adherent or member of Cloverdale Baptist Church is actively looking for opportunities to participate in the lives of their friends, neighbors, and co-workers that are unchurched.

As we all give our time, love and energy to our unchurched friends, hopefully, they will see that we are authentic followers of Christ. As we spend time with them and show interest in their lives and honestly love them, we pray that this will give us opportunities to share the love of Christ with them. Be a true friend to the people that God has placed in your sphere of influence.

Invite them into a relationship with other people that are in our church family. Use the programs that we supply as a church to help them to build a relationship with other believers moving towards a relationship with Jesus Christ. Invite them to our church services, where the Word of God and the Gospel will be shared. This year we are hoping to add the following special opportunities to invite your unchurched friends to our church to meet with fellow believers as well as hear the gospel message.

Ministry Opportunities

Our goal is for every ministry in our church to have an evangelistic vision and action plan to creatively and uniquely reach out and invite their unchurched friends to a special event. Watch the bulletin or visit our web page for the latest information.

Don’t wait for others, rather begin to actively look for opportunities to invite your neighbors and friends into your homes and practice hospitality. As each of us sees ourselves as an ambassador for Jesus and looks for opportunities in our sphere of influence to share the Gospel, we will see a healthy growing church emerge.

Get Involved 


Have Gospel Conversations with Others You Encounter

Gospel Conversations

Gospel conversations are: compassionate conversations that (1) clearly articulate the Gospel (2) with the intent that the participants will turn from their sinful rebellion to holistically following and trusting Jesus (3) for their good and God’s glory.

Gospel conversations are rooted in, and motivated by, a genuine love and care for people. They speak candidly and clearly about the gospel. There is an intention in the conversation that everyone participating will turn away from thinking and acting like they are god, to following and trusting Jesus as Lord and Saviour. These conversations about the gospel of Jesus happen for the good of the participants, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for God’s glory. 

What is the Gospel?

1. Explanation of the facts concerning Salvation

a. All people have sinned (Rom. 3:23)

b. The penalty for our sin is death (Rom. 6:23)

c. Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty (Rom. 5:8)

2. Invitation to respond to Christ personally in repentance and faith (Matt. 11:28-30)

3. A promise of forgiveness and eternal life
(John 3:16; Acts 3:19)


Conversation Starters

Questions you can ask that may open the door to start a conversation about spiritual things


Family – where did you grow up, how large was your family, how often do you get together?

Recreation – what sports do you watch/play. Who’s your favorite team/player? What do you do for fun?

Occupation – where do you work, what’s your job, do you enjoy your work, how far do you commute?

God – have you ever read the Bible, what do you think it’s about, what do you think God is like?

  • Plans for this weekend?
  • How do you handle disappointment or rejection?
  • Did you go to Church as a Kid?
  • Do you ever go to Church now?
  • What is your Spiritual background?
  • What do you think God wants from us?
  • Do you think there is a heaven or hell?
  • Do you think you will go to heaven when you die?
  • When you get to heaven, what questions will you ask God?

