To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:
Are you engaged the way that God wants you to be:
- With Him?
- With His people?
- With His Mission?
It is so important for us to take the time to ask ourselves personal and probing questions. Perhaps we should ask these of others that are in our intimate circle, but first and foremost, an honest evaluation of how we are living an engaged life is key to taking healthy steps forward.
So, stop reading, and ask yourself what it would look like if you were where God wanted you to be in terms of engagement in those three areas, and what you need to change to align with God in these areas?
This Sunday we are celebrating Communion as a church family, and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to rejoice in God’s love for us, and our devotion to Him. It is good for all of us to prepare ahead of time, so I would encourage you to take some time to reflect on the four R’s of communion:
- Remember: What did Jesus do for you? What difference has it made in your life? Why is His love central to your life? Are you living a life, “that only faith in Jesus Christ could explain?”, why or why not? The heart of communion is remembering what Jesus did for us together!
- Repent: Repent of any known sin in your life. Take the time for serious self-evaluation and remove sin from your life by confessing it to God, and experiencing His forgiveness. This is personal and will include confession to others if you have sinned against them.
In this repentance, we should find ourselves willing to forgive people and gracious in our interactions in life. We should seek as far as we can, to live at peace with people in our church family.
- Recommit: To live in first love devotion to God, and to love and serve His bride, by serving the local church. This is an overflow of repentance, and is a choice to live life in the presence of God for the glory of God. To be a Romans 12:1-2 sacrifice sold out to the glory of God!
- Rejoice: At the richness of forgiveness, and delight in living on mission for God. We of all people should be most filled with joy when we realize the richness of Jesus love for us, and our experience of His grace!
I love communion Sunday’s! May we find in this intimacy with Jesus and one another in our celebration of God’s grace and experience of it together in this way! This celebration in relationship with God and one another is where true unity comes from as we seek to live together for His glory.
In our series on ENGAGEMENT we want to make sure we are seeking to apply God’s Word to our lives! Here is what we give to Growth Groups for the coming week, and I encourage you to review it, and after the message talk with someone about what is happening on Sunday mornings so that we apply it to our lives!
Sunday Is Coming…
Text: Romans 11:33-12:10
Title: Engage With God’s People:
General & Review:
- What are you doing in your life to ensure you are growing in your Biblical view of God?
- Why is having the right motive (Gospel/Mercy) key to offering our lives to God as living sacrifices?
- Have you offered your life to God as a living sacrifice (all that you are all in)? Why or why not?
- What changes are you making to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, rather than conformed to the world?
Engagement With God’s People:
Read Romans 12:1-10 again…
- Why do you think the first place that Paul goes after calling for this radical commitment to Jesus is local church commitment?
- How does this help us to see the importance of living life in a community of faith?
- What does verse 3 teach about thinking rightly about ourselves?
- Pastor Rob said: Be Humble; Be Sober; Be Increasing Your View Of Jesus. Do you agree with these?
- How can we do this in what seems to be an ever increasing selfish culture?
- Why do you think that biblical love is so important to being a healthy part of the family of God?
- Why do you think Paul talks so quickly in this passage about being a living sacrifice about using our gifts to bless the church family?
- What are your spiritual gifts?
- How are you using them in obedience to this command?
- What does it mean to outdo one another in showing honour?
- How can you practice this as a Growth Group?
- How can we practice this as a church family, and what is your part in this?
- As you review these verses and see what God’s will is for us, how does that help you see the importance of having a biblical view of God and being a living sacrifice for Him and His glory?
- How can you keep the Gospel central in your life, so that you live out your church commitments in a healthy way?
- What steps do you need to take in your life to obey this passage of Scripture?
- Try to be specific, and share with one another as you seek to build your house on the rock.
- Talk together if you have time about the importance of communion to the local church, and what it means to you specifically to spend the time it takes to: Remember, Repent, Renew & Rejoice….
- Please pray that we as a church would engage effectively with God and together have a strong BIBLICAL view of His greatness!
- Please pray that we would experience His MERCY/GRACE so profoundly that we are transformed and LIVING SACRIFICES
- Pray Ephesians 3:14-21…with Paul…
- Pray for an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone in your sphere of influence, and the courage to take advantage of it with humility, gentleness and courage.
- Pray that each member of our local church would be serving God and His church with their spiritual gifts.
- Pray that we would be a place of health and love, and actively seeking to welcome new people and outdo one another with honour.
Pray for other requests.
Hoping you have a very blessed week!
Pastor Rob
Discipleship Classes
Starting Sept. 17th / 9:00 AM / For All Ages We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all. That’s why every Sunday at 9:00am, we have an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Learn more >
Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast
- Bible Study: Registration is now open!
Breakfast: Oct 7th at 8:30am. For all ages.
Prayer Service
Sunday, Oct 1st / 7:00 PM / Fellow. Hall Join us the first Sunday of every month to sing, pray, and hear from God’s Word together as we seek to be a praying church!
Women’s Ministry Events
Widow to Widow Luncheon We invite all CBC widows to join us today after the service
Baby Shower (Monday, Sept 25th at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall) Ladies, join us to show your love and support for Caleb & Jessica Osterman on the birth of their first child Rowan James.
- Bible Verse Painting (Sat. Sept. 30th from 10am-12:30pm in the gym) $7/person—seating is limited so register early!
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Samaritan’s Purse OCC Shoeboxes are available for pick-up in the foyer. Please fill the shoeboxes with necessities and a toy to bless a child and return by Sunday, Nov. 12th. If you have any questions please contact Lorraine Moen.
Assistive Listening
We are pleased to announce Assistive Listening for the hard of hearing. Listen to our service in-house in real time using your own smartphone and headset. Follow our step-by-step guide to get started.
Understanding the Times
▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast How should Christians respond to issues happening in our culture and society? Are we fighting the wrong war? Pastor Rob kicks off our new podcast series “Understanding the Times”, where we’ll interact with pressing issues believers face in a world that has distorted the truth. Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as well as on our website.
We’re Hiring!
Pastor of Discipleship: Our search committee is looking for a candidate with a heart to see people grow in the faith and knowledge of the Lord. Learn more >