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To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Are you LETTING?

God’s Word is so rich for me, and in our lives!  We so desperately need it, and as I reflected more on Colossians 3, it has been rich for me and key in my role of teaching our church family to follow God!

Our identity is IN CHRIST.  This is where we must start and stay.  If we get distracted by the world, or our flesh, we will find our identity somewhere else, and nothing else will make sense. 

We are to confident IN CHRIST, to be WHO WE ARE…and to remember we are CHOSEN, LOVED, and HOLY, and as an overflow of that we are to choose holiness, to kill sin, to change our worldly clothing to look like Jesus.

We are to LET…this is the KEY to living out who we are and so practical!

Oh that we would take the next step in these three areas, and continue taking these steps so that next year at this time, we are so much closer to being conformed to the image of Jesus than this year.

What can you do this week to:

Let the PEACE of Christ rule in you…subjectively?

What can you do to trust Jesus more fully and freely in all of life, and so rest in Him?

How can you be less anxious and more trusting?

How can you learn to take feelings of anxiety to Jesus in prayer and in practical focus on who He is as Sovereign, Good, and All Wise?  Remember He Loves You!

Let the WORD of Christ dwell in you…WORD SATURATION

What do you need to change in your life to intake God’s Word more freely and fully?

Do you need a WARNING LABEL on social media?

What steps will you take to read more, memorize more, meditate more, and listen more effectively?

How can you let God’s Word be at HOME in you?

What area do you need to apply God’s Word to in your life right now?

How can you make sure that you are more trained by the WORD than the WORLD?

Let the PERSON of Jesus dominate all you do and say…

Remember to do something in Jesus name is to align it with His character.  So you must know who He is from God’s Word, and long to know Him more. 

How can you represent Jesus better where He has placed you?

How can you glorify His name in your current pain, as you align with His plan?

If we can allow these verses to ring in our ears as an overflow of who we are IN CHRIST, this will change us in massive ways in the coming summer and year!

All of our actions and words seeking to be in alignment with Jesus, as we live our lives being who we are IN CHRIST!

Loved this text so much, couldn’t let it just be preached, OH THAT WE WOULD LIVE IT!

May God's Word at Cloverdale Baptist Church be known and lived as we overflow a first love relationship with Jesus together! 

Remember that you are not going to be perfect, but you are called to take the next step of being who you are TODAY!  Take the time today and this week to plan out these steps!

Don't allow guilt to stop you go.  Remember who you are in Christ, and in that freedom and fullness of forgiveness...LET...


Thankful to be LETTING with you,  

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming:

Title: Living God's Way In God's Family:

Text: Colossians 3:17-4:1

Review the text, in fact would encourage you to read all of chapter 3...

The world we live in often has a different foundation then we do as Christians.  Passages like this one from Colossians can be shocking if we get our view of life from the culture around us.

As we study God's Word, it is helpful to remember He inspired it for us, to help us live for Him, and He is good and His Word, when interpreted correctly is always right!

  • Why do you think the current world system attacks family so strongly?
  • What is God's solution to this from Colossians?
  • How can we model this in our current culture in a way that shows them the goodness of God and His Word?
  • How do the verses in this section of Scripture help us see our role as employees more clearly?
  • Why is keepign Jesus in view at all times and seeking His glory key to living a victorious Christian life, IN the world, but not OF the world?

May God use His Word to shape our hearts, change our lives, and glorify His name!

July 1, Bruce Rudolph is leading a prayer meeting at Willowbrook Mall, at 7:00 am, to pray for our nation.  Thankful for this way to celebrate this country I love in prayer! 



Summer Motorcycle Rides

Sat. June 29th / Harrison Hot Springs Motorcycle riders! Come enjoy scenic routes and fellowship with other motorcyclists from our church family! For more information, like meeting time and location, contact Dave Bigueta or Paul Weme at

Canada Day BBQ Lunch

Sunday, June 30th / After the service We’re kicking off our summer ministries with a Canada Day celebration on June 30th after the service! We are serving a delicious BBQ lunch where you’ll get to connect with others in our church family, and for children we'll have some fun activities like giant bouncy castles and more!

Habits of Grace Conference

Oct. 25 & 26, 2024 / Cloverdale Baptist We are excited to announce the Habits of Grace Conference in partnership with Desiring God! Guest speaker David Mathis, executive editor for, will be joining Pastor Rob to delve into how spiritual disciplines can deepen our joy in Christ. Breakout sessions specifically designed for men, women, youth, and couples will focus on spiritual growth. Lunch provided. Registration opens online on July 14th. Learn more > 

Summer Prayer Meetings

Starting wed. July 3rd / Fellow. Hall At Cloverdale Baptist we always emphasize the  importance of personal and corporate prayer.  Throughout the summer, we’ll be meeting every Wednesday at 7pm as our elders lead us through a time of prayer and share a brief message. We hope you’ll make this a priority starting July 3rd.

Membership Classes

Are you interested in church membership but cannot make Sunday morning classes? We are offering a 3-session course on weekdays in the evening. If interested, please contact the church office at