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A Culture Of Discipleship: Word Saturation

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Thank you for all of your prayers and offers of love for Pastor Mitch & Catherine!

This is a difficult and dark time, and your prayers and love are needed desperately.

If you would like to send them a note, please do so to the church, at

As a church family we are committed and working hard to support them as best we can emotionally, financially, and spiritually.  

We would also like to make you aware of a way you as an indidual who loves them can help in their time of need financially so that they can breathe a little better...through a gofund me account. 

Donate to Mitchell, Catherine, and Silas Janzen, organized by Kayla


We love this precious couple and are overwhelmed with them, and for them.  We know the Holy Spirit is groaning in prayer for them and us, and are confident we can have hope in the darkness!

Thankful Silas is with Jesus, heartbroken that we have to wait to see him.

Storms will come in this broken world and we need to stand in confident obedience to God and His Word, even as we weep in the chaos...

Now back to what I wrote before this weekends heartbreak...

Thank you for joining me in seeking to live together on mission for God and His glory.  It is a privilege to partner with you in the Gospel!

When we talk about who we believe God wants us to be as a natural overflow of being filled with the Holy Spirit, we call that our CULTURE.  Yes we want to have great programs that help us achieve the goals that God has given us, however we want it to be a part of who we are as the church of Jesus, as individuals and then as partners in the Gospel!

We believe God wants us to have a CULTURE OF EVANGELISM:  That each of us as an overflow of our first love devotion to God will ENGAGE in INVESTING, INVITING and INCLUDING. 

We believe God want us to have a CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP and this begins and stays healthy with a GOSPEL ORIENTATION.

The CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP also includes a passion to know God’s Word and obey it.

Or what we often call WORD SATURATION.

You cannot know the God of the Bible unless you have the willingness, with the illumination of the Holy Spirit to spend time in God’s Word...or as Colossians 3:16 would remind us, to allow it to dwell in us richly... 

If the greatest need in the Canadian Church is to have a biblical understanding of the greatness of God and the goodness of the Gospel, the only way to have those things in ever increasing measure is to spend healthy time in the WORD OF GOD and let it transform our minds (Romans 12:1-2).

God's Word is God’s way of showing us who He is and what He requires.  Spending time with God in His Word is the only way to have the right view of God and the Gospel. 

The demonic realm and the flesh attack the Bible and its sufficiency and authority in the lives of God’s people.  Often this attack is easy to see, and questions the authority of God's Word in an outright manner...however one of the most effective attacks on those who believe the Bible's authority is to have us ignore it, or allow our traditions to drown out its beauty and application to our lives.

So, what does this mean practically for us as followers of Jesus at CBC? 

It means we want to be authentic growing Gospel Oriented Disciples who are WORD SATURATED. 

This is why every one of our ministries wants to impart the Word of God to the people of God for the glory of God! 

This is why we want every person who calls this church home to not only love God’s Word, but to live in it.  To seek to know and obey God's Word in all of life all of the time.

As we often say, to spend more time in the WORD than in the WORLD.

This is not easy…and will take passionate, grace filled, Spirit empowered discipline!


  • Read God’s Word
  • Memorize God’s Word
  • Meditate on God’s Word
  • Obey God’s Word
  • Talk about God’s Word
  • Listen to God’s Word Preached

And I suppose this list could go on. 

If you have been a part of our family for very long, you will know this is what we believe is God’s passion (Psalm 138:2; Isaiah 66:2; 2 Timothy 3:16-17) for God’s people…we want each person that calls this church home to know this and live in light of seek to be WORD SATURATED, not so that we can win debates, but so we can be GOD BESOTTED.


  • How are you doing?
  • How much time are you spending shaping your worldview by the WORD?
  • Are you growing in your intimacy with God because you are reading His love letter to you and seeking deeper relationship Him and wider application to your life?
  • Are you aligning your life and hope with the promises and precepts of God?
  • Do you constantly and consistently evaluate all you believe to be true about God and life with what He says in His Word? 
  • Do you listen to God’s Word taught and preached with open Bible and pen in hand longing to know Him better, and obey Him boldly!
  • Does your life show an ever increasing passion for holiness and Christ like love?
  • Are you helping us to become a growing healthy culture of discipleship?

The Bible tells us that God's people perish for lack of knowledge...may that never be said about you, and becuase of that...US (Hosea 4:6). 

The only way to survive the storms of this world is to hear the Word of God and in the power of the Spirit, apply it (Matthew 7:21-27).

Gospel Oriented

Word Saturated 

May our culture be one that is filled with authentic disciples who are making disciples....

And there is more…although this is enough for this week…

A growing follower of Jesus with you and for you,

 Heartbroken With Hope...

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming

We will continue our journey through the book of Habakkuk.

Title:  Following In Confusion

Text:  Habakkuk 1:12-2:3

Take the time to read the entire book again, and then focus on the verses we will cover this coming Sunday.

  • How do these specific verses help us in the midst of confusion in the world around us?
  • How can we take the time to humble ourselves and realize who God is?
  • Who does God present Himself to be in this passage?
  • Why is it helpful to be secure in the character of God when we are confused about different things in life?
  • How can we live in a way that displays that we bleieve that God is REAL and RELEVANT inall of life?



Men’s Breakfast

This Sat. Oct. 5th / 8:30 AM / Fellow. Hall Men of all ages, come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together! We'll be joined by guest Brett McKinley to speak on the Covenant of Redemption.

Prayer Service

Sun, Oct 6th / 7 Pm / Fellow. Hall Join us the first Sunday of every month to sing, pray, and hear from God’s Word together as we seek to be a praying church!

Habits of Grace Conference

Oct. 25 & 26, 2024 / Cloverdale Baptist We are excited to announce the Habits of Grace Conference in partnership with Desiring God! Guest speaker David Mathis, executive editor for, will be joining Pastor Rob to delve into how spiritual disciplines can deepen our joy in Christ. Breakout sessions specifically designed for men, women, youth, and couples will focus on spiritual growth. Lunch provided. Register today! 

Thanksgiving Offering

This year's Thanksgiving Offering will be in support of Dan Gibson's film project and will remain open until Oct. 31st. Please mark your envelopes or electronic gifts "Thanksgiving Offering".

Widow to Widow Events

Kickoff Lunch | Sun, Oct. 6th after the service in Room 246: We welcome widows of all stages on their journey to join us for a meal and a time of encouragement.

Tea & Testimony | Sat, Oct 19th from 2-4pm in the Fellowship Hall: Widows of all stages are invited for tea and to hear special guest, Donna Glover, share her testimony.

Women's Retreat Registration

November 1st–3rd / Cedar springs, WA A 3-day retreat with a focus on building gospel friendships with special guest speaker Bronwyn Short, fun activities, and time to relax. Childcare will also be offered to mothers with infants. Register here >

Discipleship Classes All Ages

Sundays at 9:00 AM We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all! Every Sunday at 9am we'll have an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Check out our classes >
