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Merry Christmas

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Merry Christmas!

God loves you!  Really, He loves you...and it is on display as we celebrate Jesus brith, and why He came.

If you can fixate on His love, everything else can be lived in light of His LOVE…so this season is so important in our fixation goal on Jesus. 

So the most important Christmas question is how can we experience God’s love…and the obvious answer is the power of the Holy Spirit, and fixation with the life, birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  If we simplified, FOCUS ON JESUS…

Rejocie in His birth and let it's reality shape your mind, heart and life.  Yes, of course...but...this is not easy in a world that is filled wiht so many distractions!

Fixation with Jesus is what we talk about a lot and struggle with in the midst of distractions.  If we deepen our understanding and experience of His love we can have JOY ALWAYS, PEACE EVERYWHERE, HOPE THAT DRIVES AWAY DESPAIR.

I want that for my own heart and for yours, and the only way to gain this is to constantly keep our eyes on Jesus.

Jesus is REAL AND RELEVANT AND RELATIONAL, and that changes everything.

So, from my heart to yours, Merry Christmas!

And may Jesus be your hope, peace, joy and pathway to such a deep love that it is all defining.

NEVER FORGET in the midst of the distractions of life, the depth of love that is seen in the manger and savored at the cross and supreme in the resurrected living Savior.

You can experience God’s LOVE…(Ephesians 3:14-21)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!  From a deeply loved child of God, to His children in my care,  

 Pastor Rob

This is the week of Christmas:

Join us Christmas Eve for time together as a family fixating on Jesus and invite those you love to enjoy with us this joyful time together of remembering the Father’s great love. 

This is a good service to come together as a family, and to invite those who don't yet know Jesus.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Resolved:  To Live For Jesus In 2025

Text:  Philippians 3:13

This is the last Sunday before the New Year, and we will spend time talking about resolutions that if followed will make 2025 our, "best year we have ever had". 

Do you make New Years Resolutions?  Why or why not?

What is the value of making new commitments in your walk with God?

How can you use the New Year to ensure you are living in relationship with God, and that you are growing in that relationship and its impact on the rest of your life?

Sunday we will be asked to make 7 resolutions, seeking to focus our lives on REALITY rather than on the surface, and to live our lives for God’s glory.

Our longing is deeper intimacy, wider impact, experienced and shared love, and MOST IMPORTANT, a life that glorifies God always and in everything.

Resolutions That We Will Make Together...

•First Love Relationship

•Gospel Orientation

•Devoted Humility

•Continual Growth

•Joy In The Lord

•Peace In His Presence

•Right Mindset

Other information:

Bartley, one of our custodians has retired.  We are thankful to God for the privilege of serving Him, and wish Bartley and Susan huge blessing as they take this next step in the will of God for them, and impact for His Kingdom. 


Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, Dec. 24th / 5–6 pm / CBC Join us for a joyous family service to celebrate the birth of Jesus with carols, a Christmas message, and more! Also, every child in attendance will receive a special gift bag from our Children’s Ministry. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Discipleship Classes Christmas Break

Classes returning on Jan. 12th at 9am. For the next few weeks we'll be taking a short break and coming back on Jan. 12th with new and exciting classes for all ages. Stay tuned for more details on the topics of each of our classes. Learn more >

Fellowship Ministry Baking Needs

We're looking for 21 dozens of nut-free baked goods each Sunday in December. Please deliver to the kitchen or office in Ziploc bags starting today. Thanks for supporting our fellowship team!

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Jan 12th / During Service We’re excited to witness a few people taking a  step of obedience in their faith by going through  the waters of baptism. If you have put your faith  in Christ and would like to be baptized, sign up  today at and we’ll  get in touch with you!
