To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:
Thank you for praying for your JOINT SERVANT TEAM (elders and deacons and some staff). We are so appreciative of your prayers, and it is truly an honour to serve you on Jesus behalf. It was a joy to spend last weekend together in prayer and pursuit of God's will for the vision for the church family we are entrusted to serve.
As we reflected on biblical holiness and how we can help Jesus great church at CBC become even better, even more God besotted and Spirit filled, it is our belief that passionately pursuing holiness is a key part of our growth in depth and breadth.
So our desire is to prayerfully pursue a holiness theme that you will hear a lot more about as we move towards kick off next September.
J.I. Packer writes that holiness is missing in most churches, and D.A. Carson in preaching on this joyful subject sees it as one of the most misunderstood attributes of God and pursuit of His people.
If it is missing and misunderstood, it will be helpful to define what biblical holiness is, as well as to pursue it in the power of the HOLY Spirit in active and practical ways.
Holiness biblically is to be SET APART. When describing God it displays His very GODNESS (Isaiah 6). He is completely other, totally separate…transcendent. He is in this absolutely pure…meaning never doing anything wrong and always doing everything right.
So when God’s Word calls for us to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15), it is a shocking and in some ways terrifying command.
So what does it mean for us?
It means at least three things which are wonderful when we have experienced the richness of God’s grace for us in the Gospel…
- We Are Set Apart For God’s Use: We are holy in that we are to live on mission for Him, He has a plan and it includes us so we are set apart for His use. He does not need us, but He has set us apart to be used for His purposes. He owns us, and as such we are no longer our own.
- We Are Called To Be Pure: We are to kill sin and keep growing in obedience to God’s Word and conformity to Christ.
- We are called to be distinct and separate from the world, which is really the marriage of the first two when it is in a world that will then see us as distinct because we belong to God and pursue practical obedience to His Word.
God’s people in the Old and New Testament are called to be HOLY...meaning at its core these three things.
So for us practically this will mean seeing ourselves as holy and pursuing holiness (purity, passion for service, distinct from the world).
If we try to do this outside of the Gospel in our pursuit of holiness it will quickly be dragged into legalism or license, so we must pursue holiness God’s way, and see ourselves as His, different because of His grace, and passionate about our own personal and corporate purity.
God has placed us in His people to live for Him by grace through faith, and this means to use our gifts to build the church and bring Him glory in the world by drawing people to Him.
This is a huge life long challenge, so we will look at each distinction particularly in the context of the Gospel and God’s grace in the near future and focused on in September.
But for now…what sins do you need to root out of your life so that you can see God (Hebrews 12:14)?
What steps do you need to actively take to pursue righteousness and obedience to the positive and protecting commands of God?
Where are you serving the church and using the gifts God has given you to build His body (Ephesians 4:11-16)?
How are you using who He has made you as distinct to reach those in your sphere of influence with your life and lips (1 Peter 2:11-12)?
If Packer and Carson are right, then in the power of the Holy Spirit, let us be a family where holiness is neither missing or misunderstood, but in response to God’s mandate, moving deeper and clearer in our lives.
BE HOLY…for then you will see God and be like God (1 Peter 1:15-16)!
Holy in CHRIST, and pursuing holiness for Christ with you,
Pastor Rob
Sunday Is Coming:
The better you prepare to receive from God and His Word and to give in love to others the more effective our Sunday gatherings will be.
Title: Knowing Jesus: Changes Everything
Text: John 1:1-18
- How does this passage help us to believe in Jesus NAME (all that He is), and have LIFE in His name (now and for eternity)?
- How does this text show us that Jesus is TRULY God?
- Why does this matter?
- How does this text show us that Jesus is TRULY human?
- Why does this matter?
- What does it mean that Jesus is LIFE and LIGHT?
- How can we live in such a way that Jesus is our central reality from this passage, in deep and intimate relationship with Him?
Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch?
Sunday, Jan. 26th / After Church It’s a church-wide lunch like never before! Sign up today to host a meal in your home or be a guest at someone else’s table for lunch on Sunday, January 26th. Hosts will prepare a simple main dish, and guests will bring a side to share. Let’s connect, share a meal, and enjoy great fellowship! Sign up here or visit the Welcome Centre today after the service.
Women's Ministry Events
Spring Bible Study: Online registration now open! Beginning Monday Feb. 24th (evening) or Tuesday Feb. 25th (morning) Behold and Believe—A Bible Study on the I Am Statements of Jesus. Register here (cost is $22—financial sponsorship available; contact for info
Mother Daughter Sister Friend Valentine Dinner: Mark your calendars! For all women and girls grade 6 and up on Saturday Feb 15th from 6–8:30 pm. Tickets $10/person available at the Ministry Centre!
Men’s Breakfast
Sat. Feb.1st / 8:30 AM / Fellowship Hall Men of all ages, come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together!
Widow to Widow
Sat. Feb 1st / 2-4 pm / Fellowship Hall Widows of all stages are invited for tea and to hear guest Antoinette Parker, share her testimony.
Seniors' Lunch
Wed. Feb. 5th / 11:30 AM / Fellow. Hall Seniors, tickets go on sale today and next Sunday at the Ministry Centre for our February 5th lunch with special guests Crystal Hicks & Gail Suderman. New cost: $20 per person.
Discipleship Classes For All Ages
Every Sunday at 9am Join us for an hour of learning and growing in our knowledge of God and the Scriptures with fantastic teachers and great material for all ages! The nursery is also in operation during this time. Learn more >
Join us in praying for our missionaries.
Ricardo & Ingrid Castro — FEB International, Spain
- Praise God! Ricardo’s graduation interview went very well, and he has officially completed his Master’s Degree.
- Praise God that the last Christmas concert went very well. A full auditorium was able to hear the gospel clearly presented. Please pray for the salvation of all who attended.
- Praise God that all of the necessary paperwork and finances arrived in order for Arschia to be placed in the refugee program at the end of 2024. Thank God for His kindness and provision.
- Continue to pray for the 1700 Coalition: a coalition with the goal of seeing 100 groups in each of the 17 regions of Spain. Praise God for the 90 Bible study groups that already exist. Pray that the Lord would strengthen these groups for His glory, and that many would come to know, obey, and worship Him.