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The Kind of Church Jesus Wants Us to Be

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

What kind of church does Jesus want us to be?

That is a bit of a loaded question and it includes the obvious, we want to be a God glorifying, disciple making, Gospel gossiping church.  And much more…worth the conversation as we reflect on God’s Word and its call to churches… 

But for this blog, the two pursuits that I loved when God called Lori and I to serve this church are multi-generational, multi ethnic.

What does it mean to be multi-generational?  It means that we value people from the womb to the tomb and seek to show that value by ministering to people of all ages and have ministry occur between people of all ages.  That is why the cry of a child in the middle of a sermon is precious, and seeing youth serve seniors and seniors serve children a treasure.  We desire to glorify God by not only welcoming people of all ages but also embracing a Romans 12:10 heart that longs to see a sacrifice of our own tastes for the good of others on display.  I believe we do this well as a church and rejoice that I can be a part of this.

What does it mean to be multi-ethnic?  It means that we value people from all cultures and ethnicities, and find our unity, dignity and value in Christ.  We delight in the fact that God is bringing the nations to Canada and Cloverdale and as much as possible want to have CBC reflect the Kingdom of Heaven…and that is very much multi-ethnic.  I am so thankful that God is blessing us with so many from all over the world and praise God for our unity and joy in Christ.  What an opportunity for us to love one another and learn from one another what it means to follow Jesus and obey His Word together. 

I love that our church is filled with people of all ages and ethnicities.  Praise God for your part in that, and may we continue to actively pursue a culture of love that is displayed by the way we value one another, especially those that are a little different than us!   

So this week, go out of your way to die to self and live to Jesus, and welcome someone in love who might be a different age or ethnicity than you.  The closer we are to reflecting the values of heaven, the more we will glorify God together on the day He visits us!  Let us be found IN CHRIST together and as His mind dominates our hearts, let us pursue His love with all! 

May we be a church where one generation tells the next the glories of our God, and in different languages we discover a common passion and delight in Jesus who is all and in all!  I can’t wait for heaven, where we will discover all sorts of people from all over the world, and although we might all be 33 (that was a joke for the record) we will rejoice in God’s great grace for all the people’s!

Thank you for helping us be the church Jesus desires by loving those outside of your age, and ancestry!  It is so good to be a part of the family of God and fellowship intentionally and with delight together!

Thankful to be found with you IN CHRIST,  

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming:

Make sure to prepare your hearts to receive from God.

How do you do this?  Confess all known sin, and renew your desire to know Him and delight in Him.  Ask God to give you the opportunity to love someone outside of your comfort zone.  Come ready to be used by God to be a blessing and hear from God and be blessed!

Also…prepare your heart by reviewing what is going to be taught…

Title:  He Is Who He Says He Is:

Text:  John 2:1-12

John 1 powerfully displays the majesty of Jesus and that He is ABOVE ALL and God with us.  It is profound that we see Him for who He has revealed Himself to be so that we define our lives by our relationship with Him…He is supreme, and we are not worthy to tie His sandals…and yet He loves us!


Oh that we would see Him.

  • In John 2, we find the first miracle of Jesus and it is at a party…a wedding party.
  • Why do you think Jesus begins His public ministry of miracles with this particular one?
  • What do you think about His interaction with His mom?
  • How does this miracle show us the newness of the work of Jesus?
  • How does this miracle show us that we can trust in Jesus?
  • How does this passage help us to avoid religion and its trappings and embrace relationship with Jesus?

Longing for Him to increase as I decrease,

Pastor Rob

Remember the memory verse this month…John 3:30-31


Mother Daughter Sister Friend Valentine Dinner

Sat. Feb 15th / 6 – 8:30 pm / Fellow. Hall For all women and girls grade 6! Get your ticket ($10/person) at the Ministry Centre in the foyer.

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 16th / During Service If you have put your faith in Christ and would like to be baptized,  sign up at today and we’ll get in touch with you!

Discipleship Classes For All Ages

Every Sunday at 9am Join us for an hour of learning and growing in our knowledge of God and the Scriptures with fantastic teachers and great material for all ages! The nursery is also in operation during this time. Learn more >
