Calendar of Events

Discipleship Hour: Classes (all ages)

Oct 13 2024
Start Time
9:00 AM
End Time
10:00 AM


Come join us from 9:00 - 10:00 for Discipleship Hour.  Find a class that suits you and or your family.

Kids:  Nursery - Age 0-2

          Age 3-5 - Rm 111/112

          Grade 1-6:  In the Gym

Youth (ladies and gents):  In the Youth room with Pastor Thomas

Adult Classes:  Combined class with Dan Gibson:  Sept. 15 in Fellowship Hall.


▪︎ Theology at Risk by Pastor Rob in the Fellowship Hall.

▪︎ Firm Foundations by Ken Bayne in Room 219.

▪︎ Church Membership by Dan R. in Room 246.


Children & Youth

▪︎ Ages 0–2 in the Nursery

▪︎ Ages 3–5 in Room 112

▪︎ Grade 1–6 in the Gym

▪︎ Grade 7–12 in the Youth Room


Membership Class: Room 246 (Sept. 22 - Oct27).  Contact to register.  Dan Radke is teaching.


There wil be a break of Discipleship Hour classes for Christmas and Spring Break.