To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:
Thank you to so many of you who have given to support the persecuted church. These conferences that our church sponsors change eternity and are such an encouragement and blessing to these precious people who are risking their lives for Jesus! THANK YOU!
If you want to give to the conference to support people coming and cover expenses of attendees please designate, persecuted conference, if you would like to give to gifts we are bringing and Lori’s expenses, please designate to G persecuted conference, we will mix the two once we have enough for one or the other.
You can also give directly by giving products to Lori at the office (lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, facemasks, nail polish, or chocolate), or sponsor a pen for one of the men.
We are excited to go on your behalf and covet most of all YOUR PRAYERS as we partner together in the Gospel to the persecuted church.
Sometimes it is good to reflect as to what God is doing in our midst. People are growing in their faith, people are coming to know Jesus, and we had on Sunday someone from a persecuted country that had never been in a church before. Your prayers, love and stewardship allow us to make this Gospel impact, so THANK YOU, and be encouraged as God uses us in His power and grace to leave a lasting impact on this community, world and most importantly, ETERNITY!
Take a moment right now and praise God for what He is doing in our midst, and offer your life to Him again to help us as a family minister to those He has blessed us with...NO REALLY...STOP and praise! :)
Thankful for you and your partnership in the Gospel,
Pastor Rob
Sunday Is Coming:
Sermon: Come & See
Text: John 1:35-51
- Why do you think that John uses OT terms like the Lamb Of God?
- What do you think it means that Jesus is the Lamb of God?
- Why is this important to your life and following of Jesus?
- How does Andrew’s Response to Jesus help us to respond to Jesus correctly now?
- Who did you last say, COME AND SEE, to?
- Who has God placed on your heart now to help to know Him?
- Why is having a biblical view of who Jesus is essential in our invitation passion and process to help others to get to know Jesus?
- How does knowing Jesus personally help us not only to have hope, but also to share that hope with others?
- How can you use your life to invite others to get to know Jesus more effectively as you seek to live your life for His glory?
Family Movie Night
Friday, Feb 7th / 6–8 pm / Gym A free family event hosted by the Children's Ministry: Bring your pillows, blankets, stuffies, and friends! Popcorn and a bottle of water included for each person, and a candy cart will be available for candy purchases. Guardians must stay on-site. No registration required. More info >
Mother Daughter Sister Friend Valentine Dinner
Sat. Feb 15th / 6 – 8:30 pm / Fellow. Hall For all women and girls grade 6! Get your ticket ($10/person) at the Ministry Centre in the foyer.
Baptism Sunday
Sunday, Feb. 16th / During Service If you have put your faith in Christ and would like to be baptized, sign up at today and we’ll get in touch with you!
Discipleship Classes For All Ages
Every Sunday at 9am Join us for an hour of learning and growing in our knowledge of God and the Scriptures with fantastic teachers and great material for all ages! The nursery is also in operation during this time. Learn more >