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What Can I Do?


To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church: 

What Can I Do?  This is a question I often ask when faced with trying to offer hope or comfort in difficult situations for others.

Sometimes as we look at life and are made aware of the vastness of problems we can ask, what can I do?  There are so many that are hurting, and sometimes I am among them.  What can I do?  The question can make us feel like giving up when the need is so vast and the pain is so deep.

There are so many that don’t know Jesus…what can I do?  This as one of my favourite theologians points out is the greatest need that love must seek to meet…. Even more important than earth time sufferings.  So we should dig wells and offer clean water, protect the unborn, pray for peace, feed the hungry, but the greatest need of people is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reconciliation with God…so that should be what we know to be the greatest need.

So, what can I do?

If our answer to that question is to hope others are doing something then we miss the incredible opportunity that God has given us to be a part of His plan.  If our answer is simply to hope that the solution to the Gospel need is for others to engage, we will not be able to be Esther like in our lives (Esther 4:14). 

Gospel influence in Canada is shrinking and loyalty to God and His Word seems to be rapidly moving in the wrong direction.  There is a deep need for Jesus in our world, and our passion for that should supersede everything else in our lives!

What Can I Do?

I am glad you asked…for I know that God has placed you where you are for such a time as this!

You have an opportunity to show and tell the Gospel to people in your sphere of influence that could change eternity.

We talk a lot about a culture of evangelism, and as has sometimes been stated, everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten….perhaps not true when it comes to this kind of culture, but it does begin with SHOW AND TELL.

So, take a moment right now and think through where God has sovereignly placed you and who God might have chosen to show and tell the Gospel to in that sphere of influence. 

STOP…actually take a moment to write down a few names and pray for them… 

Now think through three or four things that you can do to show and tell the Gospel to those people.

One of our pastors shared a story with me today of a widow in our church who invited six of her friends and neighbours over and shared the Gospel with them.  We just had a kids ministry event that many of our children invited their friends to and the Gospel was presented.  Another person in our church family noticed someone new in the church, spent some time with them, and it turned out it was their first time ever in a church…and two weeks later they now know and love Jesus.  Another just last week noticed a “new” person, who had been out for a run, noticed the church and felt drawn in, and came to know Jesus in our service…and is now a part of a Bible study to grow in their faith.  God is at work through you!  That is the joy and privilege of His plan.

Another shared with me that they had written out their story with the Gospel and sent it to friends and family...another prayed and prayed for a family member, and a while ago at our service they repented and trusted in Jesus...God is at work through you!

I don’t know what God has for you to do, but I do know that it includes noticing where He has placed you and who He wants to reach through you…so…SHOW AND TELL the Gospel in active ways where He has placed you! 

Resurrection Season is coming soon…and so we are prayerfully preparing to reap the harvest of God’s using you to invest, invite and include.


The answer is YOU CAN CHANGE ETERNITY if you are showing and telling the Gospel where God has placed you…

So…know the Gospel, know your story, invest in prayer and time to be used in the world that God has placed you, for like Esther, (4:14) I know that God has placed you where you are at for such a time as this!

Who is it that God has chosen to use you to share His good news with?  Will you be faithful to His call for such a time as this? 

A fellow SHOW AND TELL ambassador,

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming:

Prepare your hearts to include people that you meet on Sunday in grace and love.  Prepare for God to speak to you through His Word and the service!

Title:  Hope For The Furthest Away:

Text:  John 3:1-21

  • Who can you think of in your life that is a long ways from God?
  • How does this story help us to have hope for all who don't know Jesus and are in our sphere of influence?
  • Why is believing in the power of the Holy Spirit key to confidence in sharing our faith with those in our lives?
  • Why does Jeuss use new birth language here?
  • In your own words, what does it mean to be born again?
  • How can you actively be a part of the Spirit's work in your sphere of influence?



Missions Trip to the Middle East

At the end of March 2025, Pastor Rob and Lori are going to teach and serve Christians and a few non-Christians from a country that hates those who love Jesus. In the last few months, persecution has been ramping up, and some who were going to the conference are now in jail. If you would like to support Pastor Rob and Lori, please mark your envelope or electronic gifts TWR Conference.

Seniors' Lunch

Wed. Mar. 5th / 11:30am / Fellow. Hall Seniors, get your tickets ($20) this Sunday for our lunch on March 5th, featuring testimonies by Rohan & Priscilla Sunderaraj and special guests The Langley Ukulele Seniors Group.

One Day Fun Day

March 19th & 26th / 9am–3pm / CBC All the fun and activities of Day Camp, but in one fun-filled day! Worship, a bible lesson, craft time, lunch and an afternoon activity! For boys and girls currently in grades 1-6. Parents,  register you child today!

Discipleship Classes For All Ages

Every Sunday at 9am Join us for an hour of learning and growing in our knowledge of God and the Scriptures with fantastic teachers and great material for all ages! The nursery is also in operation during this time. Learn more >

