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Happy New Year! In His Grace

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church: 

Happy New Year!

New Years is an opportunity to look back at what God has done for us, and look forward to seeking to live our lives to the praise of His glorious grace.

 We serve an amazing God who deserves an all defining love.

New Years is an opportunity for us to remember what is important and to make course adjustments so that we arrive where we want to be at the end of the New Year…

Even being a few degrees off is dangerous for our desire to glorify God, and so we want to take the time as we enter this year to not only praise God for what He has done, but to PRESS ON to where He wants us to be.

Each of us will benefit from resolving in our lives to seek to be radically God centred.  This is not easy as we swim in a world that is so egocentric that the God centredness the Bible calls for seems so foreign to our flesh.

Philippians is so rich in terms of the call to passion (1:21), the pathway to greatness (2:1-11), and the call to forward living (3:13-14) knowing the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus (3:8). 

If we truly know His value, we will die to self and live forward for Him.  That is our passion for 2025, that we might be resolved to grow in our intimacy and impact for God, and forget about ourselves and concentrate on Him. 

The 2025 Resolutions Of Cloverdale Baptist Church

  1. First Love Devotion:  I will seek to live my life as an overflow of first love devotion to Jesus.
  2. Gospel Orientation:  I will preach the Gospel to myself every day and remember in the moment His grace and motivating love.
  3. Humility: I will seek to die to self, and use my pain and pleasures to point to Him.
  4. Continual Growth:  I will discipline growth into my life and seek to practice the five disciplines of grace daily.
  5. Joy In Jesus:  I will deepen my relationship with God so I feel and display joy in all circumstances.
  6. Peace In Jesus:  I will practice His presence and believe in His power and love, so experience His peace in storms.
  7. Captivated Minds:  I will seek to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ, and apply Philippians 4:8 in my fixation.

These are not easy, but if we grow in them in 2025 we will be a different church family at the end of this year. 

Would you join us in grace to commit to live your life this year for the glory of our KING?

Notice it includes our minds, will, and emotions to truly honour Jesus for we want an all defining relationship with Him, and we want it to impact us deeply no matter what 2024 had, or 2025 has.

Resolved:  To Choose To Grow In These 7 Things As a Passionate Purposeful Pursuit This Year…

A fellow resolver,

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming:

When we resolve to live our lives for Jesus, to be HOLY, set apart to play a larger part, we will fail.

Yikes…that is a hard statement, but true.  We must seek God and growth in His strength for His glory, and we must do so knowing we will need His grace every step of the way.

Thankfully His mercies are new every morning…

Title:  Inexhaustible Steadfast Grace

Text:  Lamentations 3:22-26

  • Why do we need grace after we are saved?
  • How can we experience this grace daily so we are free in Christ?
  • What steps can you take to add this experience to your life in the midst of your passionate pursuit of knowing Christ?
  • How do difficulties in life cause us to rely on God (2 Corinthians 12:10)?
  • How can you use difficulties in your life to do this in the reality of life being hard?
  • How does God’s grace experienced in this way give us hope always?
  • How can you keep your heart fixated on Jesus this year so that you grow in your experience of His love and grace as you also grow in your conformity to His image?


Discipleship Classes Christmas Break

Classes returning on Jan. 12th at 9am. For the next few weeks we'll be taking a short break and coming back on Jan. 12th with new and exciting classes for all ages. Stay tuned for more details on the topics of each of our classes. Learn more >

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Jan 12th / During Service We’re excited to witness a few people taking a  step of obedience in their faith by going through  the waters of baptism. If you have put your faith  in Christ and would like to be baptized, sign up  today at and we’ll  get in touch with you!

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, Dec. 24threplay service livestream here >
