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Jim Elliot is Worth Remembering

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Greetings from Saskatchewan…where I have the privilege of teaching a Masters course on 1 Peter.  The book is truly a treasure, and having the opportunity to impact pastors, missionaries and bible college teachers in this way is truly and honour.

Covet your prayers as I seek to be loyal to God’s Word and impactful on those serving Jesus bride…THANK YOU!

Sometimes church history is worth noting and taking the time to honour those who have gone on before us.  Jim Elliot died on January 8, 1956 when he was martyred in seeking to bring the Gospel to the Auca Indians in Ecuador.  Tomorrow, we should take the time to remember this life given for the glory of God.

His life (and wife) have had a great impact on church history, and on my own life.  Three lessons that are profound in my own life from this incredible man of God that I would love to share with you on this anniversary…and a fourth that I am not so happy to share, but think helpful.

  1. He Is No Fool Who Gives Up What He Cannot Keep To Gain That Which He Cannot LOSE.

 Jim Elliot said this as he prepared to give his life for God’s glory, and although few of us will be called to give our lives as he did, we all are called to treasure eternity in the same way that he did.  He was right…and key to living for God and His glory is to understand that the eternal is real, and our lives here can store up treasures there. We should always live in light of eternity, and store up treasure in heaven...

  1. God Is Sovereign And Accomplishes Much Even When We Are Confused In The Moment.

This is easy to see in Jim’s life and death, much harder in our own pain, but it is no less true…GOD CAN BE TRUSTED ALWAYS, not just to be with us, which is precious, but also to accomplish good things through our pain.  One of the children of another hero that was killed that same day stated that only God could have orchestrated what happened, and although the pain was overwhelming for those left behind, the impact of Jim’s life and legacy lives on.  In fact many claim his example and sacrifice changed missions from North America forever, and although that may be an overstatement, it has yielded and incredible passion for sacrificial living for God and His glory, and I am one of those impacted by Jim.  It is a joy to see people live their faith with such passion and pain, and glorify God in all…and that is the longing of true followers of Jesus!  Jim’s life and death mattered way more than anyone could have imagined when it first happened.  If we are totally devoted to God, He will use us beyond what we could imagine in our lives, death, trials, pains and pleasures.  He maximizes our strength when we are weak and will use everything that we expereince as those who love Him for our good and His glory...even when we can't understand that here.

  1. Christians Committed To Jesus Still Experience Much Pain.

This is obvious if you have followed Jesus for very long, but needs to be said in the midst of our privileged and sometimes entitled generation.  We will suffer, in fact 1 Peter uses the Gospel as a motive to suffer well, but even more as a person to follow…in other words, our Master shows us how to suffer well in this world but not of this world.  The world is not our home, and as we prepare for the next…we should expect life to be difficult, and we should seek to glorify God in those difficulties.  Our suffering might be as a result of our faithfulness, and a blessing from God that we are to rejoice in.  Not easy, but in light of our Master's example, worth considering.

My 4th lesson, is one that is not quite as positive as the first ones, and that is that we should realize our earthly heroes are human, and our true HERO must always be Jesus.  I find myself disappointed when I read biographies of my heroes and find out that they were human just like me…for some of you this would bring hope, for me it brings sadness.  Elizabeth Elliot is one of my heroes, and reading her biography this past year was sad for me, and a reminder that she (and her first husband) were trophies of grace just like me, and although I should strive to be like them…I should remember that conformity to Christ is my true passion (Galatians 4:19), and He is the only one truly worthy of being put on a pedestal. 

I am thankful to God for Jim Elliot, and long to follow His commitment to our LORD, and His passion for seeing people love God and live in obedience to His Word no matter what the cost.  Take the time tomorrow to remember a life well lived, and commit to follow this pathway to being conformed to the image of Jesus!

One of the ways I follow Jim's example,   is to seek to minister to the persecuted church.  Lori and I are planning to do this again in a few months, and need your PRAYER, as well as we want to raise some funds for our share of the trip and to give gifts to those from the country we are ministering to.  More on this in the near future, but covet your prayers now as we prepare to go and teach and minister to these hurting precious followers of God, one church of which was raided last week by the secret police.

I am thankful for church history, and privileged to be a part of God’s plan as He uses His people to accomplish His work for His GLORY!

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Who Is Jesus?  He Is The Returning King

Each year we take the time to discuss not only the first coming of Jesus, but also eagerly anticipate His second coming…and we encourage you to join us in this longing for Jesus return!

Text:  Titus 2:11-15

  • Why is it essential for Christians who long for Jesus return to keep the Gospel central in their lives?
  • What does this look like practically for you?
  • Why is HOLINESS so important for followers of Jesus?
  • How are you seeking to live a HOLY life in 2025?
  • How does this work with being Gospel oriented?
  • What does it mean to be ALERT for the second coming of Jesus?
  • How can you be ready for His return, or if you are not, how can you get ready?


Pastor Rob


Discipleship Classes This Sunday

Sunday Jan 12 at 9am

The 10 Commandments (Raed G. | Room 242) How well do you know God and what He requires of your life? Do you know the 10 Commandments, and are you joyfully obeying them? If you are unsure of what they are, or how essential they are to living a life for God’s glory, then this class is for you. Knowing and obeying God’s Word is key to security and glorifying Him, and the 10 commandments are central to His revelation.

Discovering a Biblical Worldview (Dale B. | Fellowship Hall)  This class will equip you to live out your Christian faith confidently within our culture. You’ll learn to identify and counter false worldviews while defending Christian truth. By understanding the core biblical narrative, you’ll gain the confidence to share your faith and address the challenges of our culture.

Church Membership (Dan R. | Room 246) This 6-week course focuses on what it means to be a healthy Christian, and explores the doctrinal beliefs of Cloverdale Baptist. Register here or visit the Welcome Centre on Sunday mornings to register in person.

Baptism Sunday

This Sunday, Jan 12th / During Service If you have put your faith in Christ and would like to be baptized, sign up today and we’ll get in touch with you!

Women's Bible Studies

Women's Bible study on Colossians resumes Mon. Jan. 13th (evening) or Tues Jan 14th (morning)—child discipleship offered on Tuesday mornings. Contact to receive the monthly women's newsletter to stay informed.

Spring Bible Study: Online registration now open! Beginning Monday Feb. 24th (evening) or Tuesday Feb. 25th (morning) Behold and Believe—A Bible Study on the I Am Statements of JesusRegister here (cost is $22—financial sponsorship available; contact for info.

Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch?

Sunday, Jan. 26th / After Church It’s a church-wide lunch like never before! Sign up today to host a meal in your home or be a guest at someone else’s table for lunch on Sunday, January 26th. Hosts will prepare a simple main dish, and guests will bring a side to share. Let’s connect, share a meal, and enjoy great fellowship! Sign up here or visit the Welcome Centre today after the service.

Read Through the Bible with Us!

A Bible reading plan featuring daily readings for use in both family and personal devotions. Pick up a reading plan at the Welcome Centre or download here >
