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100 Year Old Student In My Class


To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It was good to be with pastors, professors and missionaries last week working through 1 and 2 Peter.  They are such delightful books that show us that this world is not our home as we live on mission for God and His glory in our short time on earth.  Powerful books in terms of growing in passion for our purpose and living in light of Jesus return.

Suffering is a part of living in a fallen world, and these books show how this suffering can be used for God's glory as we grow deeper in our devotion to Him and His purposes for our lives.  I LOVE GOD'S WORD! 

It was also a joy getting to hear many stories from those serving Jesus across the Western provinces (and beyond) and so appreciated your prayers!  THANK YOU for your partnership in the Gospel and the privilege of joining together in serving Jesus bride.  I am thankful that this church family sees the greater body of Christ as a privilege to serve and join in God's Kingdom work.

I had a 100 year old in my class.  Yes, you read that right…100 years old.  Was fun to hear his heart and passion for learning…he was auditing, so no assignments, but a joy to hear his passion to keep impacting others for Jesus.  I want to be in heaven before I am 100, but if that is not God's will...hope I am taking classes at Seminary.

As we have begun the New Year it is good to have Mitch back in the office and starting to re-engage.  Have been thankful for God’s provision of our interns, and looking forward to seeing what God will provide in the ministry future of those who He has blessed this family with.  Please also pray for Pastor Thomas (and family), Thomas and their four older girls were in a car accident, they are doing okay, but always a shock...and painful! Thankful for our interns who are ministering so effectively and able to fill in for our staff when crisis hits (well done Brad and Sam).

I am thankful that we are beginning to study the book of John, and what it looks like to authentically walk by faith in a fallen world.  We all need to build from the basics, and John is so rich in foundational realities and the complexities of a deep theology.  As some scholars have noted it is a book that babies can swim in and elephants can drown in…so we will seek to be babies who are maturing, longing for the pure milk of the Word and growing together to walk by faith and not by sight in all of life.

If you have the time, take the time to read the entire book in one sitting.  It may take us a few years to work through this rich treasure of life changing stories, and as we do that it is helpful to remember that most likely it was written to be read through all at once.

I am thankful for this family and our Joint Servant Team!  Please be in prayer for us as we gather this weekend for a time of prayer, planning and pursuit of holiness.  Your Elders and Deacons are delighted to serve you, and seek to facilitate a culture of HOLINESS, where we see ourselves as SET APART TO PLAY A LARGER PART!

 Lori and I are now in "official" planning for a ministry opportunity in teaching leaders from a persecuted church country.  If you would like to give towards this ministry opportunity and Lori's expenses, please mark your offering R & L missions trip.  We will also use what is raised to give gifts (pens for men, and love baskets for women) to these precious brothers and sisters who are risking their lives to serve Jesus.  Join us in PRAYER, and giving in this missional opportunity to impact other for Jesus!  MORE ON THIS SOON AS we beg for prayers and your joining us in this incredible opportunity!

Sunday Is Coming:

Text:  John 1:1-5

Title:  A Call To Believe

  • Why is what we believe so important?
  • How does your thoughts, feelings and actions display what you truly believe?
  • What are ways that we can reshape our thinking around God’s Word?
  • Share with people around you some things you have treasured from the book of John and two or three reasons why a study of John excites you….
  • How can you grow this week to love God more, and see all of life through the lens of Jesus being REAL, RELEVANT, and RELATIONAL? 

It is good to be a part of the family of God!

Growing for you and with you, 

Pastor Rob


Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch?

Sunday, Jan. 26th / After Church It’s a church-wide lunch like never before! Sign up today to host a meal in your home or be a guest at someone else’s table for lunch on Sunday, January 26th. Hosts will prepare a simple main dish, and guests will bring a side to share. Let’s connect, share a meal, and enjoy great fellowship! Sign up here or visit the Welcome Centre today after the service.

Men’s Breakfast

Sat. Feb.1st / 8:30 AM / Fellowship Hall Men of all ages, come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together!

Widow to Widow

Sat. Feb 1st / 2-4 pm / Fellowship Hall Widows of all stages are invited for tea and to hear guest Antoinette Parker, share her testimony.

Women's Ministry Events

Spring Bible Study: Online registration now open! Beginning Monday Feb. 24th (evening) or Tuesday Feb. 25th (morning) Behold and Believe—A Bible Study on the I Am Statements of JesusRegister here (cost is $22—financial sponsorship available; contact for info

Mother Daughter Sister Friend Valentine Dinner: Mark your calendars! For all women and girls grade 6 and up on Saturday Feb 15th from 6–8:30 pm. Tickets $10/person available at the Ministry Centre!

Discipleship Classes For All Ages

Every Sunday at 9am Join us for an hour of learning and growing in our knowledge of God and the Scriptures with fantastic teachers and great material for all ages! The nursery is also in operation during this time. Learn more >



Join us in praying for our missionaries.

Matthew Lahey — Mile One Mission 

  • Praise God for His faithfulness and kindness— two individuals were baptized at R10 church in the month of November. Pray for these individuals as they grow in their faith and obedience to Christ.
  • Praise God for His faithfulness and kindness, as Matthew was able to complete the ordination process and was officially ordained on December 8.
  • Please continue to pray that God would use R10 church to bring many people to trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and to bring glory to His great name.
  • Continue to pray for The Lahey family: for endurance, peace, rest, and encouragement.